Bluegrass Community Credit Union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution organized to promote thrift and provide credit to members.
Bluegrass Community Credit Union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution organized to promote thrift and provide credit to members.
About Us
Our credit union was chartered on October 23, 1958. On August 23, 2004, we received our community charter. With our community charter, we are now able to offer membership to anyone who lives, works, or worships in Boyd County, Kentucky. The Credit Union is governed by an elected Board of Directors who volunteer their time and expertise to guide and direct credit union operations.

Why Choose Bluegrass Community Credit Union?
Save Money with Fewer and Smaller Fees
We are members of the Ashland community, so we understand what you need and want
Borrow More Easily at Lower Rates
Membership is available to all those who live, work and worship, as well as their families, in Boyd County, Kentucky

Eligible persons, and their family members, may join the Credit Union with a $6.00 minimum deposit. That deposit includes a $1.00 one-time membership fee and $5.00 minimum balance for shares (savings) account. We offer share draft (checking ) accounts with no minimum balance and no monthly fee, as well as VISA ATM/Debit Cards.
To open an account, simply stop by the Credit Union with your Drivers License and Social Security Card. For your protection these two forms are required when opening a new account with Bluegrass Community Federal Credit Union.